Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan is pleased to announce that Fall Fest is returning on Saturday, October 2nd from 12:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Admission is Free for Museum Members! Regular admission rates for non-members are: adults $5, seniors (60+) $3, and children (6-18) $3. All seats for the planetarium presentation of “Did an Asteroid Really Kill the Dinosaurs.” are $3 per person.
This year’s Fall Fest will focus on rocks, minerals, and fossils. Local geology enthusiasts will be set up throughout the museum to display their collections and share their knowledge with festival attendees. Come learn more about the elusive “Yooperlite” (fluorescent sodalite). The Devonian limestone fossil park will be open. Brachiopods, Crinoids, and even the raw form of Petoskey stone -Hexagonaria- can be found within the park walls. Guests are welcome to take home fossils add to their own fossil collection. Fossil collecting bags will be provided by the museum.
As part of admission to Fall Fest, guests will also be given a pass to tour the World Center for Concrete Technology at Alpena Community College. WCCT representatives will be giving tours from 12pm to 4pm during Fall Fest. Guests are encouraged to cross the red pedestrian bridge from the Museum to ACC or drive to the WCCT at 750 Woodward Avenue. Visitors will enjoy this opportunity to learn more about the connection between northeast MI limestone quarries and concrete science.
Guided tours of the historic Spratt Church, Green Schoolhouse, and the Katherine V fish tug will be available. Hot dogs and popcorn will also be available for purchase during the event.
Besser Museum is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for our visitors, staff, and volunteers. At this time, CDC recommends wearing masks indoors for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated to help prevent the spread of COVID - 19. Besser Museum encourages wearing masks while visiting the museum. Masks WILL BE REQUIRED in the PLANETARIUM. Masks will be provided if needed. Please continue to visit bessermuseum.org and the Besser Museum Facebook page for all event updates or changes in attendee requirements.